Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Why You Truly Never Leave High School

 1/23/13. The vivid, lasting memories of adolescence.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Invisable Trigger: Mental Health and Gun Violence

1/18/13. For difference reasons, political liberals and conservatives came together about 40 years ago and promoted policies to empty out the psychiatric hospitals --- and created the homeless population. We all have reduced the financial resources to treat the severely mentally ill and protected their rights to suffer the horror and misery of untreated mental diseases.

The Facts about Assault Weapons and Crime

1/18/13. Economist and author on guns and violence:  John R. Lott, Jr.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Scientology: Going Clear

Paul Eli reviews Lawrence Wright's inside look at the workings of scientologists.

"On a rainy morning in late September 2010," Lawrence Wright recounts in "Going Clear," representatives of the Church of Scientology met in New York with him and a number of his colleagues at the New Yorker, from David Remnick, the magazine's editor, to its head of fact-checking and its in-house lawyer.

The Scientology delegation brought with them forty-eight three-ring binders of supporting material, stretching nearly seven linear feet, to respond to the 971 questions the checkers had posed. It was an impressive display. The binders were labeled according to categories, such as "Disappearance of L. Ron Hubbard," "Tom Cruise," "Gold Base," and "Haggis's Involvement in Scientology." Davis [Tommy Davis, a church hierarch close to Tom Cruise] emphasized that the church had gone to extraordinary lengths to prepare for this meeting. "Frankly, the only thing I can think that compares would be the presentation that we made in the early 1990s to the IRS."


Friday, January 11, 2013

Catching Up

1/11/12. Gender differences in life-span:  men are catching up to women in rich countries.

Courts vs Cops


Heather McDonald:

"New York’s proactive style of policing is under assault from politicians and the media as never before. But the greatest threat lies in the courtroom, where three cases before a federal judge assert that the New York City Police Department’s practice of stopping, questioning, and sometimes frisking suspects is unconstitutional and racist. On January 8, the judge issued the first of her rulings in that trilogy of suits, holding that the NYPD routinely makes illegal trespass stops in the Bronx. The ruling was a bad enough blow for the NYPD in its own right, but it is even more disturbing as an augury of things to come. The decision makes clear that U.S. District Judge Shira Scheindlin will rule against the city in every stop-and-frisk case before her, decimating the police department’s ability to fight crime..."