Saturday, April 25, 2009

Beth Clark Award

4/25/09. Last night in Lansing, MI at our annual Michigan Psychological Association Spring Conference, I, along with two of my colleagues, received the Beth Clark Service Award.

The late Dr. Beth Clark was a respected leader of MPA and this award was given by her husband, Dr. Charles Clark to an MPA member "who has demonstrated volunteerism, initiative, perseverance, integrity, selflessness and good will" in service to MPA.

I had the privilege of nominating Dr. Beth Clark for the MPA Distinguished Psychologist Award in 2000. Last night, Dr. Josephine Johnson received the MPA Distinguished Psychologist Award.

It feels good to be recognized by your peers.


Jack Haynes said...

Your blog selections are consistent with the characteristics of the award you so appropriately were given--your selections reflect your own values of integrity, selflessness, and good will.

Jack P. Haynes, Ph.D.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Jack Haynes is one of the good old boys in Oakland County.