Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Book Review: Death


"I intend to live forever. So far, so good."

--- Steven Wright

Andrew Stark reviews Shelley Kagan's "Death:"

"The relationship between a person and his death, said the Greek thinker Epicurus, is a strange one. It is roughly akin, if we may leap forward a couple of millennia, to the relationship between Superman and Clark Kent. Whenever one is present, the other is nowhere to be seen. As long as a person is alive, his death has not yet happened. And of course once his death occurs, he is no longer around. Since no one will ever encounter his own demise, Epicurus concluded, it should cause him no concern.

Shelly Kagan's "Death" furnishes a lucid guide to a range of philosophical claims of this sort, such as whether we can know what it's like to be dead or why life is valuable in the first place..."


"Either the man is dead or my watched stopped."

--- Groucho Marx

"I rich people could other hire other people to die for them, the poor would make a good living."

--- Yiddish saying

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