Monday, June 11, 2012

The Risky Rise of the Good Grade Pill

6/11/12. Stimulant medication helps youngsters and adults with ADHD do better in school, work, family and social life.

There is no doubt that some people without ADHD take ADHD medication to stay awake, study for longer periods of time, and so on. How many people abuse stimulants is not known.

To guard against misuse of these medications, people suspected of having ADHD must undergo a comprehensive psychological and medical evaluation. This evaluation should consist of interviews with parents (where appropriate), interviews with the child or adolescent, and teachers' observations. Psychological assessments such as intellectual, academic, and personality testing are often helpful in making a differential diagnosis, ruling out learning disabilities, emotional disturbance, and family conflicts, among other concerns.

Symptoms of ADHD must be chronic --- some symptoms appear before age 7 years; and pervasive --- symptoms appear across setting.

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