Thursday, April 1, 2010

Remembering Rodney Dangerfield

4/1/10. Rodney Dangerfield died on October 5, 2004, in Los Angeles. He was eighty-two years old.

"I was an ugly kid. I worked in a pet store.
People kept asking how big I get."

"With my wife, I got no sex life. She cut me
down to once a month. Hey, I'm lucky ---
two guys I know she cut out completely."

"When I was a kid I worked tough places --- places like
Fonzo's Knuckle Room,Aldo's formerly Vito's, formerly Nunzio's.
That was a tough one, Nunzio's. I sat down to eat. On the
Menu, they had broken leg of lamb."

"I live in a tough neighborhood. When I plan my
budget, I allow for holdup money."

"With girls, I don't get no respect. I went out with a
belly dancer. She told me I turned her stomach."

"When I was a kid, I got no respect. I was
kidnapped. They sent my parents a piece of my
finger. My old man said he wanted more proof."

"The other night, I had a date with a manicurist. We went to a nightclub.
We started to hold hands. And while she was holding my hand,
she took my other hand and put it in my drink."

"I told my doctor I broke my arm in two places.
He told me to keep out of those places."

"We were poor. We were so poor, in my neighborhood, the rainbow was in
black-and white."

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