Thursday, September 25, 2008

Monday Quotations (on Thursday)

9/25/08. As my friend Benny once quipped, "This is a strange week --- Friday the 13th is on a Tuesday."

"First do no harm," says the Hippocratic oath for physicians. If writers of children's books had to take an oath it might begin, "First tell the truth."

--- William Zinsser (1922 )

...In fact, we may see the essential of civic society in its preservation of balance - between the individual and the community, between the desirable and the possible, between our knowledge and our imagination.

The balance implies that we should neither accept solutions, however fashionable, however much supported by narrow-gauge experts, nor deny or minimize problems. What one might call the nonideology of moderation.

--- Robert Conquest (1917 )

The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

---William Butler Yeats (1865 - 1939)

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